September 2021 minutes

Minutes of the Swift Current Branch Library Board

September 15, 2021 @ 7:00 pm

Virtual meeting via ZOOM

In Attendance: Courtney Stewart, Ann Stewardson, Sharon Uteck, Peggy Drinkle, Rhonda Forster, Tanya Selk, Ryan Switzer, Larry Kielo

Regrets:  Colleen Penner, Katherine Bristow, Andrea McCrimmon

Guests:    Kathryn Foley, Director Chinook Regional Library

                 Donna Thiessen, Acting Branch Manager

1.     The meeting was called to order at 7:02 p.m. by Chair Courtney Stewart

         – Welcome to Donna Thiessen, Temporary Branch Manager

2     Motion 2021.09.01 “to approve the agenda as circulated”

                                                                                Motion:                   Ryan Switzer             

                                                                                Second:   Tanya Selk



3.    Motion 2021.09.02 “to approve the minutes of the June 2, 2021 meeting as circulated”

Motion:   Sharon Uteck

                                                                             Second:   Larry Kielo




      a. 2021-06-03 Gmail – SC branch website update

      b. 2021-06-23 Gmail – Andrea benefits

      c. 2021-06-28 Summer Reading Program Prizes

      d. 2021-07-20 Request for Information to Andrea McCrimmon (Attachment not included to maintain

      employee confidentiality)

      e. 2021-08-10 Cloth Bags Invoice

      f.  2021-08-27 Gmail – New Temporary Branch Manager at Swift Current

      g. 2021-09-06 Inv 210831 Emailed C Stewart Sept 9

      h. 2021-09-09 Gmail – Outstanding invoice for Bestsellers

       i. 2021-09-10 Gmail – moving the book sale trailer

       j. 2021-09-14 FITP thank you note from Kyra Braaten

      k. 2021-09-14 Ginger all the way-Program

      l. 2021-09-14 Gmail – Money Breakdown

    m. 2021-09-14 Swift Current Branch Annual Halloween Party

5.  Reports

        a. Bank Statements

            Motion 2021.09.03 “to accept the June bank statement as presented”                      

                                                                                Motion:   Peggy Drinkle

                                                                                Second:   Ann Stewardson



            Motion 2021.09.04 “to accept the July bank statement as presented”

                                                                                Motion:   Tanya Selk

                                                                                Second:   Sharon Uteck



           Motion 2021.09.05“to accept the August bank statement as presented”

                                                                                Motion:   Larry Kielo

                                                                                Second:    Courtney Stewart



         b. Branch Report

 -report provided by Kathryn Foley (due to the absence of Andrea McCrimmon)

                -report attached

         c. Regional Board Report 

 -oral report provided by Ann Stewardson, Sharon Uteck and Ryan Switzer

         d. City Report

               -oral report provided by Ryan Switzer 

         Motion 2021.06.06 “to accept the reports as presented”

                      Motion:   Sharon Uteck

                       Second:   Tanya Selk



5.  New Business

     a. Library COVID Regulations – see correspondence

         -discussion about library programming; masking to be implemented; numbers to be reduced to

           30% capacity

           Motion 2021.09.07 “that the library institute a mandatory masking policy immediately until

           further notice”

                                                                                Motion:                   Courtney Stewart

                                                                                Second:    Ann Stewardson



     b. Library Hours – see correspondence

          -preferable to have evening hours extended for programming purposes; however, funding is an

            issue; hours will be shortened in the morning and extended into the evening

            Motion 2021.09.08 “that Swift Current Branch Library be open Monday-Thursday from 10am-

            8 pm; Friday from 10 am -6 pm; and Saturday 10 am – 5 pm effective November 1”

                                                                                Motion:   Courtney Stewart

                                                                                Second:   Larry Kielo



     c. Request for funding – Ginger All the Way Family Event held Saturday, Dec. 11. See correspondence

                                                  –  Halloween Party October 31.  See correspondence

Motion 2021.09.09 “that the Swift Current Library Board provide funding in the amount of $160.00      for the Ginger All the Way Family Event on December 11”

                                                                          Motion:   Courtney Stewart

                                                                                Second:    Peggy Drinkle



       Motion 2021.09.10 “that the Swift Current Library Board provide funding in the amount of $75.00     

       for the Halloween Party program”

Motion:  Sharon Uteck

Second:  Tanya Selk



     d)  Noted that the items in the board cupboard at the library need to be looked at

     e)  Meetings will continue to be on Zoom until further notice

     f)  Board members need to reapply in November to remain on the board; please let Courtney know if

          you plan on resigning from the board

6.   Old Business

      a. Fundraisers

 i. Book Nook Update

    -board members are reminded to check with their specific organization

ii. Plant Fundraiser

    -many have been sold; Courtney is the green thumb in our group and continues to start new


iii. Grow Your Community Library

     -oral report provided by Ann Stewardson

     -funeral homes have been provided with information

iv. Book Ball

     -provide ideas to Tanya

v.   Book Sale

     -the Swift Current Mall is booked for October 16 and 17; October 15 (Friday) set up 3-6pm

     -cost will be $400.00 plus GST (20 tables/6 chairs)

     -Sept. 26 and October 3 will be sorting days

     –Saturday September 18 we will meet at the library from 1-4 pm (Ann, Peggy, Tanya, Ryan,

      Courtney) to sort boxes in the trailer

     -Peggy will contact Heather Benning to have the trailer moved to CRL once we have sorted

      the boxes in the trailer

     -advertising to begin in September (posters, Facebook, bookmarks  – board to supply paper)

     -books to be sold by donation

     -Donna talked about using “surprise bags”

     -books to be sorted by genre/author; Tanya has reorganized the list; goal is for 120-130 boxes

vi. 50/50

     -oral report provided by Larry Kielo; 50/50 will be delayed until the spring                                       

7.  In Camera Meeting

     -no in camera meeting was held

8.   Upcoming Meeting Dates:    

October 6

               November 10

December 8

9.   Meeting adjourned at 8:36 p.m.

Motion 2021.09.11:  Ryan Switzer


Next Meeting:      October 6, 2021 @ 7:00 pm