October 2021 minutes

Minutes of the Swift Current Branch Library Board

October 13, 2021 @ 7:00 pm

Virtual meeting via ZOOM

In Attendance: Courtney Stewart, Sharon Uteck, Peggy Drinkle, Rhonda Forster, Ryan Switzer, Larry Kielo, Colleen Penner, Katherine Bristow, Donna Thiessen, Acting Branch Manager

Regrets:   Ann Stewardson, Tanya Selk

Guest:    Kathryn Foley, Director Chinook Regional Library

1.    The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Chair Courtney Stewart

2     Motion 2021.10.01 “to approve the agenda as circulated”

                                                                                Motion:                    Ryan Switzer     

                                                                                Second:    Peggy Drinkle



3.    Motion 2021.10.02 “to approve the minutes of the September 15, 2021 meeting as circulated”

Motion:   Larry Kielo

                                                                             Second:   Sharon Uteck




      a.  2021-10-08 email about the Sage Hill Young Writer’s Workshop

      b.  2021-10-08  Swift Current Teen Writing invoice

      c.  SLTA October update

5.  Reports

        a. Bank Statements

            -September statement deferred until the October meeting

         b. Branch Report

 -report provided by Donna Thiessen                       

 -report attached

 -discussion about mandatory vaccinations for patrons attending programs; the library is an

 essential service but attending programs is not; the board supports patrons showing proof of


Motion 2021.10.03 “that the Swift Current Branch Library implements a proof of vaccination, or negative Covid test (not the rapid test) in the past 72 hours, for anyone over 12 years attending any library program, effective October 25”

                                                                Motion:   Courtney Stewart

                                                                Second:   Sharon Uteck



         c. Regional Board Report 

 -oral report provided by Sharon Uteck and Ryan Switzer

         d. City Report

               -oral report provided by Ryan Switzer 

         Motion 2021.10.04 “to accept the reports as presented”

                      Motion:   Katherine Bristow

                       Second:   Larry Kielo



5.  New Business

     a. Art Gallery Trailer

         -the art gallery is going to be selling their trailer; Ryan will talk to the city about the library board

          purchasing it

6.  Old Business

     a. Fundraisers

 i. Book Nook Update

    -Mental Health does not need any books right now

    -the Salvation Army does need books; Colleen will take care of this

ii. Plant Fundraiser

    -Kathryn Foley has geraniums if anyone wants cuttings

iii. Grow Your Community Library

     -no update

iv. Book Ball

     -provide ideas to Tanya

v.   Book Sale

     -cancelled this year

vi. 50/50

     -50/50 will be delayed until the spring                                              

7.  In Camera Meeting

     -no in camera meeting required; however Courtney encouraged board members who are resigning

      from the board to write a letter directed to Tim Marcus

8.   Upcoming Meeting Dates:    

               November 10

December 8

9.   Meeting adjourned at 7:48 p.m.

Motion 2021.10.05  “to adjourn”

Motion : Rhonda Forster


Next Meeting:      November 10, 2021 @ 7:00 pm