Minutes of the Swift Current Branch Library Board
June 2, 2021 @ 7:00 pm
Virtual meeting via ZOOM
In Attendance: Courtney Stewart, Ann Stewardson, Katherine Bristow, Colleen Penner, Sharon Uteck, Peggy Drinkle, Rhonda Forster, Tanya Selk, Ryan Switzer, Larry Kielo
Regrets: Andrea McCrimmon
Guests: Kathryn Foley, Director Chinook Regional Library
Donna Thiessen, Acting Manger Swift Current Branch Library
1. The meeting was called to order at 7:09 p.m. by Chair Courtney Stewart
2 Motion 2021.06.01 “to approve the agenda as amended”
Motion: Larry Kielo
Second: Colleen Penner
3. Motion 2021.06.02 “to approve the minutes of the May 5, 2021 meeting as circulated”
Motion: Sharon Uteck
Second: Ryan Switzer
4. Correspondence
a. 2021-05-21 Gmail – Copy of information request to Andrea McCrimmon
b. 2021-05-25 Gmail from Dawn regarding Swift Current Branch budget
c. Gmail from Dawn regarding the Adopt a Book fundraiser
d. Gmail from Dawn regarding prizes for summer reading program
5. Old Business
a. Fundraisers
i. Book Nook Update
-books have been delivered to the Welcome Center and the Salvation Army
-Colleen will check with Prairie Lake Regional Park to see if they would like some books for
campers during the summer
ii. Plant Fundraiser
-many have been sold
iii. Adopt a Book
-oral report provided by Ann
-new name for the fundraiser (Grow our Community Library) along with a new form
-thank you to Dawn for creating the poster and form
-the new information will be provided to the funeral homes
Motion 2021.06.03 “to change the name of the Adopt-a- Book fundraiser to the
Grow our Community Library fundraiser, use the new form created by branch staff, and
request that the website be updated to include the new information”
Motion: Courtney Stewart
Second: Ann Stewardson
iv. Book Ball
-provide ideas to Tanya
v. Book Sale
-the Swift Current Mall is booked for October 16 and 17
-cost will be $400.00 plus GST (20 tables/6 chairs)
-Sept. 19, 26 and October 3 will be sorting days
-advertising to begin in September
-ask the branch staff to create bookmarks to give out advertising the sale
vi. 50/50
-no report
-Larry will take this on
-200 tickets to be printed
6. New Business
a. Summer Reading Prizes
Motion 2021.06.04 “that the Swift Current Library Board provide a maximum of $200 to purchase
prizes for the Summer Reading Program”
-the amount for the prizes to come out of a debit card provided to Dawn Motion: Katherine Bristow
Second: Rhonda Forster
Motion 2021.06.05 “to provide Dawn with a debit card with a limit of $250.00 to be used for
library expenses”
Motion: Sharon Uteck
Second: Larry Uteck
Electronic Motion 2021.06.06 (June 3, 2021) “to have Krupali Bhatt added as signing authority to the Swift Current Library Board bank account and to provide her with a debit card with a limit of $250.00 to be used for library expenses”
Motion: Katherine Bristow
Second: Ann Stewardson
Electronic Motion 2021.06.07 (June 3, 2021) “to reply to a letter received from Charlene Orr dated
April 23, 2021”
Motion: Peggy Drinkle
Second: Colleen Penner
b. Budget 2021
-3D Printer replacement will be put on hold
-Best Sellers
Motion 2021.06.08 “that the Swift Current Library Board provide $583.12 for the purchase of best
Motion: Peggy Drinkle
Second: Katherine Bristow
7. Reports
a. Bank Statements
Motion 2021.06.09 “to accept the May bank statement as presented”
Motion: Katherine Bristow
Second: Rhonda Forster
b. Branch Report
-report provided by Kathryn Foley (due to the absence to be of Andrea McCrimmon)
-report attached
c. Regional Board Report
-oral report provided by Sharon Uteck and Ryan Switzer
d. City Report
-oral report provided by Ryan Switzer
Motion 2021.06.10 “to accept the reports as presented”
Motion: Peggy Drinkle
Second: Sharon Uteck
8. In Camera Meeting
-no in camera meeting
9. Upcoming Meeting Dates: NOTE there will be no meetings in July and August
September 8
October 6
November 10
December 8
10. Meeting Adjourned 8:21 p.m.
Motion: Larry Kielo
Next Meeting: September 8, 2021 @ 7:00 pm