April 2019 Minutes

Minutes of the Swift Current Branch Library Board
April 17, 2019 @ 7:00 pm
Swift Current Library
In Attendance: Peggy Drinkle, Tanya Selk, Katherine Bristow, Colleen Penner, Ann Stewardson, Rhonda Forster, Sharon Uteck, Bruce Deg, Courtney Stewart, Andrea McCrimmon, Kathryn Foley
Regrets: Larry Kielo, Kim Shepherd

  1. Meeting was called to order at 7:02 pm by Chair Tanya Selk
  2. Announcements:
    -no announcements
  3. Welcome to Kathryn Foley, Director of Chinook Regional Library
  4. Motion to approve the agenda as circulated
    Motion: Katherine Bristow
    Seconded: Peggy Drinkle
  5. Minutes of the February 2019 meeting be approved as amended
    Motion: Ann Stewardson
    Seconded: Sharon Uteck
  6. Correspondence:
  • Letter received from Bev MacLaurin announcing her resignation from the Board
  • Motion that Bev McLaurin’s resignation be accepted with regret
    Motion: Bruce Deg
    Seconded: Katherine Bristow
  1. Old Business:
    a. Questions arising from the February minutes:
    -no questions
    b. Safe Places Certification:
    -Kelly Schaefer, City of Swift Current Safe Places Manager, will attend May’s Board Meeting to give a presentation about Safe Places (May 15 @ 6:45)
    c. Adopt a Book Fundraiser
    -13 books adopted so far with $325.00 being raised
    d. Book Nooks
    -contact with each organization should be made by Board members responsible
    -Courtney Stewart volunteered to take over the Fresh Start location
  2. New Business:
    a. Request for additional opening hours
    -recommendation by Andrea McCrimmon that a letter be written to the Chinook Regional Library Director requesting additional opening hours (specifically, to be open on Sundays preceding statutory holidays, open on Sundays in July and August, i.e. open on all days except statutory holidays)
    -this would amount to an average of 63 additional open hours per year at a staffing cost of approximately $4000 per year
    -Motion that the Swift Current Library Board write a letter to Chinook Regional Library Director requesting the additional opening hours
    Motion: Courtney Stewart
    Seconded: Katherine Bristow
  3. Reports:
    a. Regional Board Report
    -Tanya Selk is the new Chair of the Chinook Regional Library Board and announced her resignation as Swift Current Library Local Board Chair
    -Motion to accept Tanya Selk’s resignation as Swift Current Library Local Board Chair effective April 17, 2019
    Motion: Colleen Penner
    Seconded: Sharon Uteck
    -nominations for local board chair: Katherine Bristow nominated Courtney Stewart; seconded by Bruce Deg. Nominations cease. Courtney Stewart declared chair of the Swift Current Library
    -no formal report
    -copies of the Chinook Regional Library Board Annual Report were distributed
    b. City Report
    -verbal report by Bruce Deg
    c. Branch Manager Report
    -report attached
    Motion to accept all reports as presented
    Motion: Peggy Drinkle
    Seconded: Rhonda Forster
    d. Review Bank Statement:
    Motion to approve the bank statement as presented
    Motion: Bruce Deg
    Seconded: Courtney Stewart
  4. Meeting Adjourned at 8:00 p.m.
    Motion: Colleen Penner
    Next Meeting: Tuesday May 15, 2019 @ 7:00 pm (6:45 Safe Places presentation by Kelly