February 2021 minutes

Minutes of the Swift Current Branch Library Board

February 3, 2021 @ 7:00 pm

Virtual meeting via ZOOM

In Attendance: Courtney Stewart, Ann Stewardson, Katherine Bristow, Larry Kielo, Colleen Penner, Sharon Uteck,  Peggy Drinkle, Rhonda Forster, Ryan Switzer

Regrets:  Andrea McCrimmon, Desiree Unvoas, Tanya Selk

Guest:  Kathryn Foley, Director Chinook Regional Library

1.     The meeting was called to order at 7:07 p.m. by Courtney Stewart

2.      Motion that Courtney Stewart be appointed as Chair of the Swift Current Library Board until

          December 2021

                                                                                Motion:  Peggy Drinkle

                                                                                Second:   Sharon Uteck


3.  Motion that Tanya Selk be appointed as Vice Chair of the Swift Current Board until December 2021

                                                                                Motion: Katherine Bristow

                                                                                Second: Larry Kielo


4Motion that Peggy Drinkle be appointed as secretary of the Swift Current Library Board until

     December 2021

                                                                                Motion:  Larry Kielo

                                                                                Second:   Ann Stewardson


5.   Motion to approve the agenda as amended

                                                                                Motion: Colleen Penner

                                                                                Second: Rhonda Forster



6.    Motion to approve the minutes of the January 6, 2020 meeting as circulated

Motion:  Sharon Uteck

                                                                             Second:  Ann Stewardson



7.    Correspondence

        a. Email from Jackie Schlamp (City Clerk) regarding Chinook Regional Board appointments

        b. Email from Kelley Elliot regarding tax receipts (discussed under Adopt-a-Book discussion)

8.    Old Business

a. Fundraisers

        i)  Book Nook update

            -reminder for board members to check with their contacts

        ii) Plant Fundraiser

            -most plants have been sold; more should be started and Courtney will contact board

           members involved

        iii)  Adopt-a-Book Campaign

            -discussed under New Business

b. Letters to Funeral Homes

     – Warrens and Swift Current Funeral Homes will create a link on their webpage for the Adopt- a- Book campaign

     – a brochure on the campaign will be sent to Parkside, Warrens, and Swift Current Funeral Homes

 c. Thank you cards have been sent to Bruce Deg and Kim Shepherd for their service to the board

9.   New Business                                                                             

        a. Board Governance Documents and Orientation Documents

i) Access to SCLB Google Drive was sent to all board members

– a possible link in the organizational chart from the Swift Current Local Board to the Regional

 Board will be investigated and discussed at the next Board meeting

        b. Budget for 2021:

              -to be discussed at a later meeting; please review the draft

        c. Adopt-a-Book Fundraiser

                -CRLdonation@chinook.lib.sk.ca should be used as the address for etransfers for any fundraiser

                -accurate information on each donor must be kept and sent to Regional Office so

 that receipts can be issued; the board will create a form to be used

-the Regional office will ensure that all monies raised through fundraising by the Swift Current Local Board will be returned to the local board

-information on each fundraiser should be sent to Regional Office prior to the start date of the fundraiser beginning           

                -Swift Current Branch is a branch of Chinook Regional Library and tax receipts should be issued

                through the Regional Office        

                -information on each fundraiser should be written down and provided to branch staff

       d. City of Swift Current Recreation, Parks, & Culture Master Plan

                -The Swift Current Library Board prefers the library remains in its current location (downtown)

       e. Annual General Meeting date

                -this must occur before Chinook Regional Library AGM

                -Swift Current AGM will be April 7; the virtual Zoom meeting to be live streamed

10.   Bank Statements

         -tabled until the March meeting

11.  Reports

        a. Branch Report

           -report provided by Kathryn Foley (due to the absence to be of Andrea McCrimmon)

           -report attached

        b. Regional Board Report  

           -oral report provided by Ann Stewardson, Sharon Uteck, and Ryan Switzer

           Motion to accept the Branch and Regional Board reports as presented

                      Motion:  Colleen Penner      

                       Second:  Larry Kielo



         c. City Report

           -oral report provided by Ryan Switzer 

           Motion to approve the city report as presented

Motion: Larry Kielo

Second: Sharon Uteck



12.  In Camera Meeting

Motion to move to an in camera meeting     

Motion: Ann Stewardson

                                                                        Second: Ryan Switzer


i)  In camera

Motion to arise from the in camera meeting

                                                                        Motion:                  Ryan Switzer 

                                                                        Second:  Colleen Penner


13. Meeting Adjourned at 8:49 p.m.

Motion:   Colleen Penner

Next Meeting: March 3, 2021  @  7:00 pm