June 19, 2019 Minutes

Minutes of June 19, 2019 meeting

Courtney Stewart, Katherine Bristow, Larry Kielo, Tanya Selk, Kim Shepherd, Colleen Penner, Ann Stewardson, Bruce Deg, Sharon Uteck, Rhonda Forster, Andrea McCrimmon
Regrets: Peggy Drinkle

  1. Call to Order
    Meeting was called to order at 6:59 by Courtney
  2. Review of Agenda
    Agenda was adopted as presented. Motion: Tanya Seconded: Larry
  3. Minutes of Previous Meeting
    Motion to approve minutes of May 15, 2019 meeting.
    Motion: Ann Seconded: Kim
  4. Correspondence – none
  5. Old Business
    a. Questions arising from May minutes
    i. Safe Places instructions & documents were sent to all board members
    ii. Library Open Hours press release done
    iii. City & Art Gallery informed of new library hours
    iv. Staff received instructions for 50/50 raffle ticket sales
    v. Adopt a Book finance spreadsheet distributed
    vi. Book Sale committee can sort books at Headquarters on a Sat/Sun in September
    b. Adopt a Book update
    i. Andrea shared spreadsheet of 2019 donations and 2019 Bestseller purchases: $575 in donations; $1919.07 spent on Bestsellers so far in 2019.
    c. Book Nook updates – Andrea will pick up 2 boxes of books from HQ for Colleen for CMHA
    d. Fall Booksale – committee met in May. Andrea made chart of genres, authors, and quantities to take. Sorting book will take place on a weekend in September at Headquarters.
    50/50 tickets distributed to board members.
  6. New Business
    a. New representative for Chinook Regional Library Executive Committee
    Katherine Bristow stepped down from CRL Executive Committee [note: make motion to accept resignation at next meeting]
    Rhonda Forster attended June 17 CRL Executive Committee meeting on behalf of the Swift Current Library Board.
    Motion to appoint Rhonda Forster to serve on the CRL Executive Committee on behalf of the Swift Current Library Board
    Motion: Katherine Bristow Seconded: Sharon Uteck

Courtney will inform City Clerk of appointment and request documentation be sent to CRL Business Manager.

b. Schedule September Board Meeting
Meeting dates will be:

September 4, 2019 – 7pm
October 2, 2019 – 7pm
November 6, 2019 – 7pm
December 4, 2019 – 7pm

  1. Reports
    a. Regional Board Report (Tanya)
    Verbal report: Thank you to Katherine Bristow for her service on the CRL Executive Committee. New Rural Branch Manager starting in July. A Finance Committee will be going over the CRL 2020 Budget in detail. A committee is working on deciding what to do the $60,000 bequest.
    b. City Report (Bruce)
    Verbal report: Summer highlights include Windscape, Long Days Night, Western Canada Summer Games. More volunteers needed for all events. Under 17 World Hockey event in the fall.
    c. Branch Manager’s Report (Andrea) – distributed
    d. Review Bank Statement – bank statement distributed
    Motion to accept reports & bank statement as presented. Motion: Tanya Seconded: Katherine
  2. Next Meeting – Wed. September 4 at 7pm
  3. Motion to Adjourn: Tanya at 7:34pm