May 2019 – Minutes

Swift Current Branch Library Board Meeting

May 15, 2019 @ 6:45 pm

Swift Current Library

In Attendance: Peggy Drinkle, Tanya Selk, Colleen Penner, Ann Stewardson, Larry Kielo, Rhonda Forster, Sharon Uteck, Courtney Stewart, Bruce Deg, Andrea McCrimmon, Kim Shepherd, Katherine Bristow

Regrets: none

Guest:  Kelly Schafer, Safe Places Manager – City of Swift Current

  1. Meeting was called to order at   6:41 p.m.   by Chair Courtney Stewart

2.    Presentation from Kelly Schafer on the Safe Places Initiative

                -Swift Current library staff are Safe Places certified

                -Kelly provided details about Safe Places and responded to questions     

3.    Motion to approve the agenda as circulated

                                                                                Motion:  Tanya Selk

                                                                                Seconded: Larry Kielo


4.    Motion to approve the minutes of the April 17, 2019 meeting as circulated

Motion:  Ann Stewardson

                                                                             Seconded:  Kim Shepherd


5.    Correspondence:

                -no correspondence

6.    Old Business:

a.    No questions arising from the April minutes

b.    Discussion on the Safe Places presentation

        Motion that members of the Swift Current Library Board become certified in Safe Places

                                                                        Motion:                Bruce Deg

                                                                        Seconded: Ann Stewardson


        -Andrea will provide board members with details

        -Board members will proceed with the course individually                                            

                -deadline to complete the course is before the September 2019 board meeting

       c.     Update on Adopt-A-Book Fundraiser

                -15 books have been adopted (total $400.00)

       d.    Book Nook Update

                -Colleen reported on the status of Mental Health and Salvation Army

                -Courtney reported on the status of Fresh Start

       e.    Update on the request for additional opening hours

                -additional hours have been approved by the Regional Board

                -Andrea will notify the city and prepare a press release

7.   Reports:

       a.   Regional Board Report – Tanya Selk

                -report attached

       b.   City Report – Bruce Deg

                -no report

       c.   Branch Manager Report – Andrea McCrimmon

                -report attached

        Motion to accept all reports as presented.

                      Motion:   Sharon Uteck

                       Seconded:  Barb Forster


       d.   Review the May bank statement

        Motion to approve the bank statement as presented

                                                                                Motion:  Tanya Selk

                                                                                Seconded: Colleen Penner


8.  New Business:

a.    50/50 ticket sales

        -tickets are prepared and will be distributed to board members at the June board meeting

        -license has been obtained

        -Board members will be asked to sell tickets

-tickets will be available at Market Square and at the library as well as at the book sale in October

-final draw will be at the end of the October booksale

b.     Fall Book Sale

        -books at headquarters need to be sorted earlier

        -Andrea will contact the Regional Director to see what evenings work best from June to October

-a book sale planning committee was formed consisting of Courtney, Colleen, Tanya, Kim, Sharon, and Andrea

        -Peggy will contact Darcy Richards to see if she is available to help

        -the planning committee will meet on May 23 at 7:00 pm at the library

9.    Next Meeting is June 19 @ 7:00 pm

10. Meeting Adjourned at 7:45 

                                                                                Motion:  Bruce Deg