February 2019 Minutes

February 19, 2019 @ 7:00 pm

Swift Current Library

In Attendance: Peggy Drinkle, Tanya Selk, Katherine Bristow, Colleen Penner,  Ann Stewardson, Larry Kielo, Rhonda Forster, Sharon Uteck, Courtney Stewart, Bruce Deg, Andrea McCrimmon

Regrets: Bev MacLaurin, Kim Shepherd

  1. Meeting was called to order at 7:01 pm by Chair Tanya Selk
  2. Announcements: no announcements

3.    Welcome to new board members:

       -welcome and introductions

4.    Motion to approve the agenda as circulated

                      Motion:  Bruce Deg

                       Seconded:  Katherine Bristow


5.    Minutes of the January 16, 2019 meeting be approved as circulated

Motion:  Colleen Penner

                                                                             Seconded:  Katherine Bristow


6.    Correspondence: 

       -no correspondence

7.    Old Business:

a.    Questions arising from the January minutes:

b.    Adopt a Book Fundraiser:

       -plans for the fundraiser were reviewed by the Chair

       -two dates selected for the fundraiser kickoff at the Pioneer Coop (Mall)– March 9, 16; future

      “adopt a book” sales will be handled at the library by staff

       -March 9 (Katherine, Sharon – 10:00 – 12:30 pm; Ann, Colleen – 12:30 -3:00 pm)

       -March 16 (Tanya, Rhonda– 10:00 – 12:30 pm; Larry, Kim– 12:30 – 3:00 pm)

       -NOTE: board members working the first shift please pick up materials required at the library the day before

       -advertising on Facebook, swiftcurrentonline.com, and posters

       -Larry to see if the Broncos would support this

       -Andrea will take care of a float

                Annual Book Sale and 50/50 draw:

              -50/50 draw will start earlier this year

              -the book sale will take place on October 19, 20

       c.     Governing Documents:

              -amendments made to the number of board members; this must align with the Public Libraries Act 1996

              -amendments made to appointing a designated chairperson

              Motion to ratify the Swift Current library Board Practice and Procedure Manual as amended                                                                                                                         MOTION:  Bruce

                                                 SECONDED:  Courtney


              -Governance Structure document reviewed

       d.    Update bank signing authority:

              -still needs to be updated

       e.    Book Nooks:

              -the role and locations of Book Nooks was reviewed

8.  New Business:

a.    Safe Places Certification

        -Bruce spoke about the importance of the Safe Places Certification

       -Andrea will request a presentation from the city at an upcoming Board meeting                               

9.    Reports:

a.    Regional Board Report

       -new director beginning March 1 (Kathryn Foley)

       -committee struck to determine use of $60,000 bequest

b.    City Report

        -no report

       -Literacy Week proclaimed January 31

c.    Branch Manager Report

        -report attached

                Motion to accept all reports as presented.

                      Motion:   Larry

                       Seconded:  Ann


      d.     Review Bank Statement:

                Motion to approve the bank statement as presented

                                                                                Motion:  Kathryn

                                                                                Seconded: Colleen


10. Meeting Adjourned at   8:16p.m.

                                                                                Motion:  Courtney

               Next Meeting:  Tuesday March 20, 2019 @ 7:00 pm

                                                NOTE:  This is the AGM