January 2019 Minutes

January 16, 2019 @ 6:30 pm

Swift Current Library

In Attendance: Bev MacLaurin, Peggy Drinkle, Tanya Selk, Katherine Bristow, Colleen Penner, Kim Shepherd, Bruce Deg, Andrea McCrimmon

  1. Meeting was called to order at 6:35 pm by Chair Tanya Selk
  • Announcements:

– welcome to Bruce Deg, our new city council representative

3.    Motion to approve the agenda as circulated

                      Motion: Bev MacLaurin

                       Seconded: Peggy Drinkle


4.    Minutes of the December 11, 2018 meeting approved as circulated

Motion: Kim Shepherd

                                                                             Seconded: Colleen Penner


5.    Correspondence: 

-no correspondence

6.    Old Business:

a.    Questions arising from the December minutes:

– Peggy’s question about coordinating the “buy a book” drive with the Coop was addressed under February Fundraiser

b.    Provincial Consultation Report:

-copies of the report were distributed. Board members had a previous opportunity to review the report online.  Our concerns and questions for the panel have been addressed in the report.

c.     February Fundraiser:

– to begin in March 2019

-Tanya will prepare an “Adopt a Book” form for people to complete if they want to purchase a book(s) for the library

-Peggy will contact the Coop about having a table for two Saturdays in March (from 11:00 am -2:00 pm) to launch the fundraiser

-a book plate will be placed in each book with the purchaser’s name

-tax receipts for $25.00 or more will be issued; donations of less will be gladly accepted

-books purchased will become part of our “best sellers” collection and will remain at SC Branch for at least one year (unless they are lost or damaged).

-there will be a list of best sellers currently on order where people may choose one  to “adopt”; they may also choose a genre and the library will choose a book in that genre

        d. Governing Documents:

 -the committee met and updated a local board governance document from the 1990’s

-Tanya presented the new document – Swift Current Library Board Practice and Procedure Manual”

-Board members are to carefully review the document prior to February’s meeting; a vote to adopt will take place then

         e. Book Nooks:

-the locations for the Book Nooks will remain the same for 2019 (Fresh Start, Welcome Centre, Mental Health, Salvation Army, Crisis Services)

-a reminder to Board members who coordinate this to periodically contact locations

7.  New Business:

a.    Election of Vice Chair:

        Election of Kim Shepherd to the Vice Chair position by acclamation

                                                                        Motion:  Bev MacLaurin

                                                                        Seconded:  Peggy Drinkle


b. Update Bank Signing Authority:

The Board Chair, Board Vice Chair, and Branch Manager shall have signing authority on behalf of Swift Current Branch Library.

                                                                Motion:  Bruce Deg

                                                                Seconded:  Katherine Bristow


Currently these positions are held by Tanya Selk (Chair); Kim Shepherd (Vice Chair) and Andrea McCrimmon (Branch Manager)

       c.    High School visits by Andrea

-Bev has arranged for Andrea to meet with the teacher and students of two classes at the Swift Current Comp to issue library cards to the students.

8.    Reports:

a.    Regional Board Report

        -no report

        -minutes from the October meeting were distributed

        -Tanya will request the Director’s Report be included

        -a new Director has been selected (but not yet ratified) beginning March 1 (Kathryn Foley)

b.    City Report

        -no report

c.    Branch Manager Report

        -report attached

                Motion to accept all reports as presented.

                      Motion: Peggy Drinkle

                       Seconded: Katherine Bristow


      d.     Review Bank Statement:

                Motion to approve the bank statement as presented.

                                                                                Motion:  Katherine Bristow

                                                                                Seconded: Bev MacLaurin


9.   Meeting dates for February – June 2019 were set:

                Tuesday February 19 @ 7:00 pm

                Wednesday March 20 @ 7:00 pm   – Annual General Meeting

                Wednesday April 17 @ 7:00 pm

                Wednesday May 15 @ 7:00 pm

                Wednesday June 19 @ 7:00 pm

10. Meeting Adjourned at 8:24 p.m.

                      Motion: Bev MacLaurin

               Next Meeting:  Tuesday February 19  @ 7:00 pm